Monday, April 23, 2007

Date contact

Hey AIESEC Moldova!
Imi doresc sa mentin legatura cu cat mai multi dintre voi. Asa ca va las mai jos datele mele de contact. Sper sa ne auzim cat mai curand!

T: +40 723.296.999

Saturday, April 14, 2007

I love being in AIESEC Moldova because...

What does it mean for me to be and AIESEC member??? Very good question!!!!! And a very difficult to answer!!!!If I would say that being an AIESECer - means being alive, it means my style of living for me... If I would say that.... everybody will say.. OHHH!!! that's so old fashion) and I agree - it is old fashion, but it is also the reality lived every day by me and the people I care!!!Even though these people - aren't AIESEC members - in one way or another they are also involved in this organization. Because I am absolutely into this organization!!!I go to sleep, thinking what else shall I do in order to see the growth of the organization??? I wake up thinking.. about all the members and how will they bring the continuity of AIESEC Moldova through years??? A lot of thoughts!!!
I am in AIESEC - because here I learned to have self-confidence, to trust my potential, my dreams and my ides - and make them a reality!!!I learned how different people are, even though they have the same religion or nationality. I am still learning to better understand the reactions and actions of people around me!!! Have I learned the lessons?? I don't know!!! Time will show everything!!!
Keen to hear your opinions )


Thursday, April 5, 2007

Office, sweet office

Incet dar sigur, AIESEC Moldova isi construieste viitorul. La propriu. Adica isi renoveaza sediul.

Cu ajutorul unei finantari primite sediul a fost izolat fonic, aceasta fiind o conditie impusa de facultate, pentru ca membrii sa-si poata desfasura linistiti activitatile. Mai mult de atat, peretii au fost branduiti, la insistentele domunului VP Communication Andrei, care a pictat interiorul in portocali si alb si a adaugat cu albastru, logo AIESEC.

De acum, va incepe goana dupa tot ce inseamna logistica. Birouri, scaune, calculatoare, imprimante, si tot ce-i mai trebuie unui birou profesionist.

Important e ca AIESEC Moldova e pe drumul cel bun si viitorul suna...albastru si portocaliu.

Daca vreti sa vedeti live toate acestea si sa-i felicitati pe membrii AIESEC Moldova, dati o fuga pana in Chisinau, si cautati cladirea ASEM. Acolo la unul dintre etaje veti vedea cum se creaza experienta AIESEC.